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The world's first? This foundry officially announced the production of 3-nanometer chips, and PanSemi Semiconductor/Qualcomm may be the first to launch

06/30/2022 3nm chip, PanSemi, Qualcomm, Samsung, foundry, TSMC, semiconductor chip, semiconductor


(The picture comes from the Internet)

  Recently, the South Korean semiconductor manufacturer Samsung has taken the lead in the foundry leader TSMC, and the news of mass production of 3 nanometers has attracted great attention in the industry. The latest news is that Samsung has officially announced the mass production of 3nm chips.

  Today (June 30), Samsung announced through its WeChat public account "Samsung Semiconductor and Display Official" that chips based on the 3nm Gate-All-AroundT (GAA) process node have begun initial production, which will first be applied to high-performance, Semiconductor chips for low-power computing and plans to expand to mobile processors.

  Compared with Samsung's 5nm process, Samsung's first-generation 3nm process can reduce power consumption by 45%, improve performance by 23%, and reduce chip area by 16%; Samsung said that the second-generation 3nm process in the future will reduce power consumption by 50% and improve performance. It is increased by 30%, and the chip area is reduced by 35%.

  As for 3-nanometer customers, some media reported that sources revealed that Samsung said that it has already ordered production capacity from customers, including PanSemi, a chip design company for virtual currency mining machines, and Qualcom, a major mobile processor manufacturer. However, Qualcomm will invest according to the situation. piece.

  Judging from the time node, Samsung's 3nm technology mass production time is indeed ahead of TSMC.

  According to the process technology development blueprint and future plans shared by TSMC in the North American session of the technical seminar recently, its initial 3-nanometer node (N3) is expected to start mass production in the second half of this year and deliver it to customers early next year. In addition, TSMC will launch a variety of N3-derived manufacturing processes in the next few years.

  In terms of 2nm process technology, TSMC revealed that the N2 process node will use the GAAFET architecture for the first time, and it is planned to be put into production in 2025.

  Parts of materials of this site come from the internet, please contact if there is infringement

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